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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do If you are getting carsick in a trip?
What could you do if there is a lot of turbulence in a flight?
What should you do if you run out of gas when driving to another city?
What could you do if you arrive late to the airport and lose your flight?
What should you do if the person next to you in a bus trip is snoring?
What is the longest trip you have taken?
___________ they arrive here in the __________ flight? It could be faster
Should non-stop
You __________ take the ____________ train if you need faster to the coast. It's the best option
could / express
I prefer the _____________ train, it you can visit more towns in the way
You __________ take the a train, a plane is faster
I had 3 stops in my ___________. I arrived very tired
direct flight
I took a ___________ to Germany, it was very fast
non-stop flight
The best seat in a plane is the ___________. You can see very beautiful sceneries
Window seat
I don't like the _________ you get hit by everyone
aisle seat
__________ I take the midnight train? No, you can't the tickets are sold out
______ he go to Bogota during the protests?
_________ I buy a ticket or are they sold out?
What transport should I take if I wanted to go to Japan?
I'm going on vacations, I need a _________ ticket
If you don't want to arrive late you ___________ take the 9:00 train instead of the 9:30