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Review 2nd ESO

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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DO / HAVE / MAKE "We _____ a good time last night."
We HAD a good time last night.
DO / MAKE? You need to ________ an effort if you want to pass your exams.
You need to MAKE an effort if you want to pass your exams.
DONE? MADE? I think he's _______ something wrong.
I think he's done something wrong.
DO / MAKE / HAVE ? We're going to ____ a party at my house this weekend.
We're going to HAVE a party at my house this weekend.
Complete with the Present Perfect: He __________________ (have) that tennis racket for three years.
He ___HASN'T HAD_____ (have) that tennis racket for three years.
Complete with the Present Perfect: "I __________________ (not play) ice-hockey for two months."
I _HAVEN'T PLAYED____ (not play) ice-hockey for two months.
Correct the following sentence: I've learnt French in Paris in 1998.
I learnt French in Paris in 1998.
Correct the following sentence: Al's really angry with me because I haven't sent him a text message yesterday.
Al's really angry with me because I didn't send him a text message yesterday.
Correct the following sentence: The school organized a tennis competition since 1977.
The school has organized a tennis competition since 1977.
Order the words to make a questions: had / watch / have / How / your / long / you?
How long have you had your watch?
Order the words to make a questions: had / watch / have / How / your / long / you?
How long have you had your watch?
Order the words to make a question: collected / stamps / he / has / How / long?
How long has he collected stamps?
CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION: It hasn't rained... a) for Wednesday. b) for a very long time. c) since a week.
b) for a very long time.
CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION: They've been on holiday... a) for Tuesday. b) for two days. c) since two days.
b) for two days.
FOR or SINCE? "I haven't got any emails __________________ three days!"
I haven't got any emails ____FOR____ three days!
FOR or SINCE? "I've known Michelle __________________ 2002."
I've known Michelle _____SINCE____ 2002.
2nd conditional: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: The children __________________ (be) happier if they could play all day.
The children __WOULD BE___ (be) happier if they could play all day.
2nd conditional: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. "If we had more money, we __________________ (not work) so much."
If we had more money, we ___WOULDN'T WORK___ (not work) so much.
1st conditional: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: If you __________________ (not get) eight hours' sleep, you'll be tired in class.
If you __DON'T GET___ (not get) eight hours' sleep, you'll be tired in class.
1st conditional: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: You __________________ (not sleep) well if the bedroom's too hot or too cold.
You __WON'T SLEEP____ (not sleep) well if the bedroom's too hot or too cold.
1st conditional: Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: If you __________________ (have) a good bed, you'll sleep better.
If you __HAVE_____ (have) a good bed, you'll sleep better.
Choose the correct verb form: "He was already sleeping when the film STARTED / WAS STARTING."
"He was already sleeping when the film STARTED ."
Choose: WHEN / WHILE I was reading, I heard something strange.
WHILE I was reading, I heard something strange.
Write the adjective in the comparative or superlative form: New York is ... (great) city in the world!
New York is THE GREATEST (great) city in the world!