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Finish That Tik Tok/Vine Quote

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On all levels except physical...
I am a wolf
Waking up in the morning....
thinking about so many things...
Girl, you're thicker than...
a bowl of oatmeal
I look like
a burnt chicken nugget
My name is Trey and...
I have a basketball game tomorrow!
It is Wednesday
My dudes!
Ay yo, you know this boy got his
free taco!
It's an avocado!
I want a church girl who goes to church
and read her bible!
Respect the drip
Oh my gawd...
He on X-Games mode!
The volume inside of this bus...
Is astronomical!
Look at all those...
That was...
I don't have enough money...
...for chicken nuggets :(
Hurricane Katrina?
More like Hurricane Tortilla!
...MY DAD!
Has anyone told you you look like Beyonce?
Nah, they usually tell me I look like Shalissa.
Bring the beat in...
Anything for you Beyonce!
I smell like...
F RE...
...SH A VOCA DO!!!
OMG I love Chipotle...
Chipotle is my life!
I could've dropped my croissant!
Have you ever been an Uber driver?
Um, I never went to Oovoo Java
Country boy...
I love you, mlehhhhh
Road work ahead...
Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!
I don't get no sleep 'cuz of y'all...
Y'all not gonna get no sleep 'cuz of me!
to Chili's
Way to go
And I can put it
in a bun