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Say 5 words

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 5
water, drink, summer, swimming pool, sun
Say 5
sunflower, yellow, happiness, fresh, sun
Say 5
red, rollerblade, sport, fun, skate
Say 5
mail, snail mail, love, letter, fly
Say 5
spin, dress, homer, yellow, dizzy
Say 5
wedding, marriage, celebrate, ring, bride
Say 5
sassy, fierce, powerful, girl, dance
Say 5
flap, game, dizzy, bird, blue
Say 5
wow, wonder, surprise, excited, celebrate
Say 5
wait, bored, late, abandoned, sad
Say 5
fruit, healthy, spinning, sour, fresh
Say 5
butter, sweet, morning, energy, american
Say 5
coffee, black, wake up, morning, strong
Say 5
cute, baby, paws, kitten, snuggle
Say 5
macarena, dance, happy, dog, sassy
Say 5
high five, joke, nerd, congrats, win
Say 5
ouch, pain, hurt, fail, fall
Say 5
cellphone, oldschool, money, game, internet
Say 5
hump, wednesday, nonsense, yellow, pyramid
Say 5
cartoon, rock, metal, headbang, enjoy
Say 5
beach, vacation, sunglasses, drinks, summer
Say 5
nature, model, fly, caterpillar, still
Say 5
yes, office, happy, excited, win
Say 5
no, player, soccer, red, oops