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A Boy called Bat

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why didn't Bat like working in groups?
Bat liked to do things himself.
Who is Babycakes?
Babycakes is the classroom rabbit.
What grade is Bat in and Who is his teacher?
Bat is in third grade and his teacher's name is Mr. Grayson
Why did Bat like to sit in the middle back seat of a car?
Someone told Bat that was the safest spot to sit.
What would happen on "every-other Fridays"
Bat went to his dads
What does eagerly mean?
Willing to do something
What did the kit eat?
Puppy formula
What kind of eaters are skunks?
Was the Kit able to spray?
No, they can't spray when they are babies.
What animal did Bat's mom bring home?
A baby skunk
What rule did Bat have to follow when talking Janie?
Bat had to stay 12 inches away from Janie.
What does soothing mean?
to ease or comfort
What does intended mean?
You mean to do it
What does Bat's mom do for a job?
Veterinarian (Vet)
Why was Bat, called "Bat?"
His initials were Bat, he had sensitive hearing and he flapped his hands.
What yogurt flavors did Bat like?
Vanilla and Lemon