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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The river runs through the (yalvle) _______.
Greenland is a huge (nlaisd)______.
There is an enormous (ocnyan) _______ in USA .
It's very hot in the (rstede)______.
That (lfwraealt) _____ is so loud!
Many diferent animals live in the (sofrrteina )_______.
.......we'll be very happy.
...... I'll be very tired.
......... my teacher will be angry.
If my brother forgets my birthday,
If our football team wins tomorrow,
If my parents go to the concert,...
If / break the window / Dad be very angry.
If I break the window Dad will be very angry.
If / fall in the lake / get very cold and wet
If I fall in the lake I will get very cold and wet.
If / go coast / see the beach
If I go to the coast I will see the beach.
If / rain tomorrow / not go to the beach
If it rains tomorrow I won't go to the beach.
If / cold tomorrow / stay at home
If it's cold tomorrow I will stay at home.
You __________ (go to mass) on Sunday.
You are going to mass on Sunday.
They ______ (stay in England) this summer.
They are going to stay in England this summer.
We _________ (watch a film) this afternoon.
We are going to watch a film this afternoon.
My dad ______________ (go to the supermarket) at 3:00
My dad is going to the supermarket at 3:00
_________ you (visit a friend) this weekend?
Are you going to visit a friend this weekend?
I ____________ (play tennis) tomorrow.
I am going to play tennis tomorrow.