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Cooking Conversation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is happening? What will happen next?
Someone is filling the kettle. They're going to put the kettle on.
What is the water doing?
It's boiling
What isn happening ?
The ice is melting
What is the food doing? (Cooking but on a low heat)
It's simmering
What is this? What is the chef doing?
A frying pan. He's tossing the food. 
What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?
Discuss your answers with your classmates.
What do you call this cooking tool? (It's used to scoop up soup)
a ladle
What is she doing?
What do you call this type of cutting?
chopping or slicing
What do you call this cooking tool that keeps your hands from burning when lifting a hot pan?
an oven glove
What do you call this cooking tool?
a whisk
What do you call this cooking tool?
a spatula
What do you put in your salad?
What is the word we use for cooking when we put bread, cookies or cake in the oven?
Do you like watermelon? What do we call a piece of watermelon?
A slice
Another word for 12 in English. A _____ eggs.
a dozen
What do Americans call a piece of pizza?
A slice
What's your favorite dessert? Do you know how to make it? List the ingredients.
What's your favorite recipe? Talk about the ingredients and instructions to make it.