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Pixar Movies

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What emotion is this in Inside Out?
What movie are these characters from?
Who is this character?
Can you name this character?
Tow Mater
What was Remy's job within his clan in Ratatouille?
He was responsible for checking for poison
In the movie, Cars, what town does Lightning McQueen end up in?
Radiator Springs
In the movie, Inside Out, what was the first emotion to appear when Riley was born?
What movie is this character from and what is his name?
Dug from the movie UP
Who is this character?
Elastigirl from the Incredibles
What is Forky's body made out of?
A Spork
Where did the movie Brave take place?
Who is Riley's imaginary friend in Inside Out?
Bing Bong
Who does Dory reunite with in Finding Dory?
Her parents
In Toy Story 2, which arm of Woody's becomes unstitched?
What is Sally's nickname for Lightning McQueen?
Why did Andy have to give his toys away in Toy Story 3?
Andy was going to college
What fuels the monsters' world in Monster's Inc.?
Scaring kids and collecting their screams
How do Marlin and Dory escape the whale?
Marlin and Dory get blown out by the whale
What movie is this character from?
Inside Out
How does Remy control Alfredo Linguine?
Remy sits on top of his head and uses his hair to control Linguine.
In the movie, Up, what are their names?
Carl and Ellie
What movie is this baby from?
The Incredibles
In the movie, Coco, what instrument does Miguel play?
What quote is Dory known for?
"Just Keep Swimming."