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Early Elementary Social Skills

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grandpa tells you, Good morning! What should you do?
Say good morning back!
Name 3 coping skills
Great job!
Your parents want to teach you to tie your shoes. It looks pretty hard. What could you do?
Take deep breaths, ask for help. Remember you're still learning and you've learned lots of other things. You've got this!
Mom says you have to eat all your green beans with dinner. What should you do?
Eat them!
You have to go on a long car ride with your family. You complain during the whole ride that it is boring. Is this thumbs up or thumbs down?
Thumbs down
You accidentally erase too hard on your homework sheet and tear it. Is this a big or little problem? What can you do?
Little problem. You can tape it or write below it.
You think your grandparents are really old. Should you think it or say it to them?
Think it! You might hurt their feelings.
There's a new kid in your class. What should you say to them?
Hi! My name is ____. What's your name?
You have to write 5 sentences for homework and you don't know what to write. You feel frustrated. What can you do?
Ask for help. Take a break. Squeeze something. Take deep breaths
Your friend came to visit and you got out all of your toys playing. Mom says its time to clean up, what should you do?
Ask your friend to help pick up. Make it a game- pick up only the red toys, then the green ones. Pretend to be your favorite character who loves to clean.
You are playing tag at recess, and you get tagged out. What should do?
Wait until its your turn to play during next round. Its fun watching your friends play.
You line up at school and another student cuts in front of you. What can you do?
Nicely tell them they took your place. Take a deep breath, its not a big deal as long as you are in line. Talk to a teacher