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Midterm grammar revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Stop, you are driving too ..... (quick)
Hurry up, we are walking too ......(slow)
I know, I ...... (be) an actor one day.
Will be
- I'm hot. - oh, I ..... (Open) the window.
Will open
I .... (Watch) Netflix tonight.
Am going to watch
You are driving too fast. We ........ (hit) the car.
Are going to
I ........ (Look for) my glasses since yesterday.
Have been looking for
How long ........... (Live) in this house?
Have you been living
She ............ (Just open) the window.
Has just opened
They .............. (Already make) an appointment with the dentist.
Have already made
I ............ (never read) a book.
Have never read
Have you ever ...... (go) to Spain?
Yesterday at 7 o'clock I ........ (Sleep)
Was sleeping
When I ..... (Come) in, everybody ....... (write) the test
Came, was writing
She ...... (dance) when I ....... (see) her
Was dancing, saw
While I .....(play) tennis, I ...... (Fall) down.
Was playing, fell
We ...... (not go) to the cinema yesterday.
Didn't go
She .... (Buy) the house 10 years ago.
They ........ (Not do) their best last year.
Didn't do
We ....... (find) the dog 3 weeks ago.
I ...... (fly) to Italy next month.
Am flying
I ........ (Visit) my friend tomorrow at 5pm.
Am visiting
Tom always ...... (make) coffee.
They ........... (do) the vacuuming twice a week
She ....... (not make) decisions on Fridays.
doesn't make
We ......... (not do) Maths today.
aren't doing
She ......... (look after) her brother at the moment.
is looking after