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What is the name of this movie? a. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon b. Enter the Dragon c. Way of the Dragon d. Fist of Fury
a. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
What is the name of this movie starring Brad Pitt? a. Raging Bull b. Blade Runner c. The Undefeatable d. Fight Club
d. Fight Club
What is the name of this movie? a. Rambo b. Dragon Reborn c. Rocky d. The Boxer
c. Rocky
What type of fighting do they do in the UFC? a. Judo b. Mixed Martial Arts c. Muay Thai d. Vovinam
b. Mixed Martial Arts
Lucha Libre is from which country? a. Mexico b. Colombia c. Cuba d. Brazil
a. Mexico
What is the name for the place where boxing take place? a. Boxing Square b. Boxing Fence c. Boxing Ring d. Boxing Pitch
c. Boxing Ring
In boxing, how many seconds do you have to stand up after you get knocked down? a. 5 seconds b. 10 seconds c. 15 seconds d. 20 seconds
b. 10 seconds
How many rounds were there in the first boxing matches? a. 15 b. 12 c. 6 d. no limit
d. no limit (knockouts only)
What province in VN developed its own fighting style? a. Bình Định b. Hải Dương c. Quảng Trị d. Hồ Chí Minh City
a. Bình Định
Most of the Yokozuna (champion) sumo wrestlers in the last 20 years have been from which country? a. Japan b. Mongolia c. Korea d. China
b. Mongolia
What color is the highest level belt in Karate? a. Blue b. Red c. Yellow d. Black
d. Black
In what country did they find the first evidence of boxing? a. China b. Greece c. Iraq d. Egypt
c. Iraq (5,000 years ago)
What is the name of this sport from the middle ages? a. Colors b. Jousting c. Vetting d. Minuet
b. Jousting
What is the name of this Olympic sport? a. Fencing b. Pirouette c. Shindo d. Posting
a. Fencing
What is the name of this type of fighting from Japan? a. Judo b. Karate c. Shido d. Kendo
d. Kendo
What is the name of this movie? a. Karate Man b. Kendo Man c. IP Man d. Dragon Man
c. IP Man
This is a statue of what famous fighter?
Bruce Lee
What is the name of this Kung Fu fighter?
Jackie Chan
What was the name of this movie? a. Kung Fu Kid b. Karate Kid c. Judo Kid d. Taekwondo Kid
b. Karate Kid
Where is this fighting from?
The most famous style of kung fu comes from what part of China? a. Shaolin b. Wuhan c. Taishan d. Fujian
a. Shaolin
What is the name of this sport from Vietnam?
Võ Việt Nam
What is the name of this sport from Korea?
Manny Pacquiao (on the right) is from which ASEAN country?
The Philippines