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Jobs and workplaces

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm Amanda. I use skills and imagination to create art. I'm an ___________.
I'm Amanda. I use skills and imagination to create art. I'm an ___________.I use skills and imagination to create art. I'm an artist.
I'm Jessica. I prepare food in restaurants. I'm a _______.
I'm Jessica. I prepare food in restaurants. I'm a COOK.
I'm Laura. I design new products and build structures. I'm an ___________.
I'm Laura. I design new products and build structures. I'm an ENGINEER.
I'm Michael. I entertain people by playing a character. I'm an __________.
I'm Michael. I entertain people by playing a character. I'm an ACTOR.
I'm John.  I grow all kinds of food. I'm a _______.
I'm John. I grow all kinds of food. I'm a FARMER.
I'm Steven. I teach Math in an Elementary school. I'm a ___________.
I'm Steven. I teach Math in an Elementary school.  I'm a TEACHER.
A cook works in a ___________.
A cook works in a restaurant.
She's A / AN cook.
She's A cook.
She's A / AN artist.
She's AN artist.
An artist works in a _________.
An artist works in a studio.
A teacher works in a ___________.
A teacher works in a school.
a / teacher / he / 's.
He's a teacher.
A doctor works in a __________.
A doctor works in a hospital .
a / doctor / she / is.
She is a doctor.
An actor works in a ________.
An actor works in a theater.
He's A / AN actor.
He's AN actor.
A farmer works in a ___________.
A farmer works in a farm.
a / farmer / he / is.
He's a farmer.