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True or False: Anxiety means feelings scared, worried, nervous, angry, frustrated, or sick.
True. Anxiety can make me feel many negative emotions.
True or False: Using my 5 senses (SMELL, TOUCH, TASTE, SEE, HEAR) helps keep me calm.
True. This is called GROUNDING.
Practice a grounding technique. Name 3 things you can see in your room right now.
Look around: cup, dresser, door, laundry basket, pencil, red rug, my husband's hat
Practice a grounding technique. Name 3 things I can HEAR.
music, birds outside, cars outside, the breeze/wind, cat's meow
Practice a grounding technique. Name 2 things I can SMELL.
laundry, soap, flowers, cooking in the kitchen, Christmas tree
Practice a grounding technique. Name 3 things I can TASTE.
cheeseburger, crunchy apple, warm hot chocolate, fresh clean water, sweet slice of orange
Name 2 calm places to think about to feel better with anxiety.
beach, home, park, forest, pool, Hawaii, grandma's house
True or False: Squeezing my muscles from head to toe, one by one, makes my body feel calmer.
True. This grounding technique is called Progressive Relaxation.
Where can I lay down to relax my body?
couch, bed, nurse's office, yoga mat, bench
True or False: Anxiety makes people feel scared. It's OK to cry.
True. Everybody cries sometimes. It's okay.
True or False: When I breathe FASTER, I feel more calm.
False. When I want to calm down, I need to breathe SLOWER.
True or False: I feel nervous. My heart is beating like a drum. I need to call 911 and go to the hospital.
False. I am feeling anxiety. I can calm myself down.
True or False: I have to talk in front of the class. I feel like I am going to throw up. This is called ANXIETY.
True. Sometimes being very nervous makes people feel like throwing up.
You are at school. WHO in your circle of support can you talk to if you feel nervous?
teacher, counselor, Ms. Gibbs, a friend, the school nurse
True or False: It is NOT OK to feel nervous. Don't feel nervous!
False. It's okay to feel nervous. Everybody feels anxiety sometimes.
I am at school. WHERE can I go take a break?
Outside, empty classroom, in the hallway, at your desk, in the office (anywhere is okay, please ask)
Name 3 relaxing places you can think about to feel calm.
Beach, pool, forest, my grandma's garden, my bedroom
Name 3 things that make you happy.
Play-doh, superhero movies, dance music, fresh sunny air
How do I feel after I drink water and exercise?
Healthy choices keep us feeling strong and calm. Drinking water and exercising can help with anxious feelings.
Name 4 relaxing activities you can to do calm down.
Listen to music, draw, read a book, go on a walk
True or False: It's OK to play quietly with a fidget spinner during class time.
True, if you are quiet and respectful with your tool, you can use it to help keep you calm.