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Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch.
Famous football clubs
Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Juventus, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, Milan, Roma
Social Media
Tiktok, Reddit, Dicord, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Letterboxd
Disney movies
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi, Alice in Wonderland, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Moana, Peter Pan, Toy Story, Monsters INC
Team sports
Basketball, football, baseball, volleyball, handball, rugby, ice hockey, cricket, water polo
Types of pizza
Margherita, Veggie, BBQ, Pepperoni, Mexican, Capricciosa, Calzona, Tuna, Quattro stagioni
Pepper, broccoli, lettuce, onion, corn, beets, pumpkin, mushroom, beans, peas, carrots, potato, tomato, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower
YouTube channels
Smosh, James Charles, Pewdiepie, JackSepticEye, Auronplay, Markiplier
Star Wars characters
Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Mandalorian, R2D2, C3-PO
Designer sports brands
Adidas, NIKE, Champion, Puma, Fila, Vans, Converse, Lionsdale, Reebook, Speedo
Organs in the body
Brain, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, pancreas
Hip hop artists
Drake, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Snoop Dog, ASAP Rocky
Ariana Grande songs
Positions, 7 rings, Thank U Next, Bang Bang, God is a Woman, Side to Side, Motive, Into You
Chocolate bars
Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat, Hershey's, Milky Way, Mars, Kinder Bueno, Lion, Bounty, Reeses
Stationery items
Highlighter, pen, pencil, notepad, sticky notes, eraser, sharpener, pencil case, stapler, scissors, ruler, document folder
Musical instruments
Piano, violin, drum, guitar, bass, cello, oboe, trombone, harp, triangle, flute, saxophone, trumpet
Video games
Resident Evil, FIFA, Until Dawn, Fortnite, SIMS, Mass Effect, Animal Crossing, Uncharted, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, GTA
Cosmetic brands
Maybelline, MAC, ABH, KVD, Nars, Bobbi Brown, Trixie Cosmetics, Sephora, NYX, MUR, Revolution, Urban Decay, ELF, Catrice, Max Factor
Farm animals
Sheep, goat, chicken, rooster, donkey, cat, dog, horse, rabbit, duck, goose, pig, ox, turkey
Board games
Monopoly, Scrabble, Jenga, Uno, Battleship, Risk, Stratego, Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, Connect Four, Twister
Soda / Fizzy drinks
Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, 7UP, Surge, Crush, Mtn Dew
Cake ingredients
eggs, baking powder, flour, sugar, cream, vanilla, milk, chocolate, butter
European capitals
Athens, Berlin, Bratislava, Dublin, Helsinki, Oslo, Paris, Belgrade, Rome, San Marino, Sofia, Sarajevo, Vienna, Vatican Zagreb,
Signs of the zodiac
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius