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Amazing English 3 U5 Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They’re repairing our roof at the moment. –We..(causative)
We are having our roof repaired at the moment.
Somebody stole my car last weekend. I..... (causative)
I had my car stolen last night.
Somebody cleans her windows. –She.....(causative)
she has her windows cleaned
You shouldn't grill the meat for more than ten minutes.(passive)
The meat shouldn't be grilled for more than ten minutes.
The chef is making some snacks. (passive)
Some snacks are being made (by the chef).
They are going to bake the cake soon.(passive)
The cake is going to be baked soon.
The farmer wasn't transporting the strawberries to Denmark.(passive)
The strawberries weren't being transported to Denmark (by the farmer).
Have they found the tins of tuna?(passive)
Have the tins of tuna been found?
We had added red food colouring to the icing.(passive)
Red food colouring had been added to the icing.
'We will make you a special meal,' my parents said to us.(reported speech)
My parents said/told us (that) they would make us a special meal.
They're going to have sandwiches for lunch today,' I said.(reported speech)
I said (that) they were going to have sandwiches for lunch that day.
The restaurant is over here,' we said.(reported speech)
We said (that) the restaurant was over there.
They __________us eat our picnic on the boat.
let / were allowed
The police officer ___________ make the man come to the station tomorrow.
is allowed / will
l________ to wash the car last weekend by my dad
let/was made to
We ___________ to go to the café yesterday. Our parents said it was OK.
were allowed / were made
She _________ the child have a snack every evening.
lets / is allowed
Grandma makes different kinds of delicious soup. They always ______ amazing!
smell / stink
Put the eggs in hot water and _________them for five minutes.
It's my birthday! Mum is ________ a cake.
baking / roasting
Is this food OK to eat? It's very ___________!
creamy / stinky
Do you want to _______ tonight?
eat out / go off
The cook has to ___________ some new ideas for desserts.
give away / come up with
I love this burger; it's _________.
disgusting / delicious
The restaurant was so dirty that it _______ me off my meal!
These oranges are very________. Could I have another one please?
juicy / oily