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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 green vegetables.
Peas Beans Broccoli
Name 3 Smelly Things.
Garbage Feet
Name 3 things you can put on a pizza.
Cheese Sausage Pepperoni
Name 3 pink things.
Flamingos Pigs Grapefruit
Name 3 words that start with K.
Kangaroo Kite Kiss
Name 3 things that make your parents happy.
Doing chores Doing homework Not fighting with brothers and sisters
Name 3 animals that start with M.
Monkey Meerkat Mink
Name 3 Jobs.
Chef Teacher Doctor
Name 3 words that rhyme with pan.
Fan Man Ran
Name 3 things you can write with.
Pen Pencil Marker
Name 3 continents.
Asia North America South America Antarctica Europe Africa
Name 3 ice cream flavors.
Strawberry Chocolate Mint
Name 3 cleaning tools.
Mop Broom Duster
Name 3 different kinds of candy.
M & M s Sucker Starburst
Name 3 loud sounds.
Car horn Tuba Cymbals
Name 3 words that start with O.
Octopus Onion Off
Name 3 things you can see in the sky.
Moon Star Airplane
Name 3 things you can drink.
Water Soda Coffee
Menciona 3: FRUTAS
plátano, manzana, fresa, uva, piña, naranja, frambuesa, sandía, melón ...
Menciona 3: ANIMALES
perro, gato, elefante, tigre, león, cerdo, caballo, burro, cocodrilo ...
Menciona 3: COMIDA
carne, pescado, arroz, pasta, pizza, tacos, hamburgesa, sopa, ensalada ...
avión, tren, autobús, moto, metro, carro o coche, taxi