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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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John will TRAIN his dog to roll over.
We will take the TRAIN to California.
vehicle that runs on track
I like to SKIP rope with my friends.
jump rope
He plans to SKIP the wedding.
not go; not attend
The buffalo roam the western PLAIN.
flat land
Mandy wore a PLAIN outfit to the dance.
ordinary; simple
Robin Hood shot the arrow with his BOW.
a weapon that shoots arrows
There was a red BOW on the present.
a tied decoration made out of ribbon
The baker needs more BATTER for the wedding cake.
mixture of flour, eggs and sugar used in baking
The BATTER hit a home run.
the person batting in a baseball game
John did a FINE job on his science project.
very good
If you are caught speeding, you will get a FINE.
payment for breaking a law
Mom said, "I will MISS you when you leave for college".
feel sad that you are not here
If you don't leave now you will MISS the bus.
be too late to catch it
MISS Smith was my favorite teacher.
title for a single woman
I SPOKE to my teacher after class.
past tense of speak; talked with
I am missing a SPOKE on the front tire of my bike.
a piece of metal inside the wheel of a bike or motorcycle
My teacher made me sit in the first ROW of seat.
a single line
My mom served PUNCH at the birthday party.
mixture of fruit juice/soda
The boxer will PUNCH his opponent.
hit with a fist
My dog is always good COMPANY.
companion; friend
Amazon is a large COMPANY.
commercial business
He plugged too much into the outlet and blew a FUSE.
part of an electrical circuit
The broken bones need to FUSE back together.
join; form together as one
Rob put JAM on his toast.
spread made out of fruit
There is always a traffic JAM on my way home from work.
stuck; unable to move
He will wear a SUIT to the wedding.
clothing that has matching jacket and pants.
That hairstyle really SUITS her.
looks good on; is attractive
 I get a COLD every winter.
sickness; sneezing and coughing
It is always COLD in the winter.
opposite of hot; freezing; frigid
You need strong arms to ROW a boat.
use oars to move a boat
He put a big hole in his new PANTS.
The dog PANTS when he gets too hot.
breathe hard, tongue hanging out
You should chew your food before you SWALLOW.
cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat
I saw a SWALLOW flying over my house.
a small bird
The lawyer wore a suit and TIE.
accessory worn around your neck
My brother showed me how to TIE my shoes.
join laces together in a knot/bow