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Australia Today Test Review

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Has Australia ever had an embargo? Explain.
Yes, for safety or political reasons. Such as not selling guns to sides during wars.
Define Compulsory Voting.
Australia has a parliamentary democracy and citizens are REQUIRED to vote in elections unless have a valid excuse. Can go to court and be fined.
True or False: Australia has few natural resources.
False!! Has lots!
European contact has changed the Aborigines way of life by ______________.
Immediately taking their land and killing with diseases. Later stealing their children. Today high level of poverty, health concerns and under educated
A tariff _______________the price of imported goods and a quota ________________a limit on the amount of imported goods.
Increases; places (puts)
Where were the First native inhabitants of Australia from?
Southeast Asia
Due to Australia's location what geographical area is it closely tied to in terms of trade?
Asia, specifically China
What is the Aboriginal creation story and religion called?
Dreamtime or the Dreaming
Australia has a _________________________economy and is closest to ________ on the economic continuum.
Mixed; Market
Define bartering.
Trade without exchanging money. Found in a traditional economy.
What freedoms do Australia's citizens have?
Parliamentary Democracy so vote for legislature. Freedom of speech, religion, choose jobs.
Does Australia invest in Human Capital? Explain (Give an example)
Yes! Children are required to attend school from 6 to 18. Workforce is well trained. Healthcare.
Who is the head of state in both Australia and Canada? WHY?
The British monarch (right now that is Queen Elizabeth) because they are both members of the Common Wealth and former colonies of Great Britain
Australia's literacy rate is ____________. This means their standard of living is_____________.
99%; high
How did Aborigines spread their history and keep it alive?
Oral story telling tradition
What is the dominant religion in Australia?
What is the official language of Australia?
What type of nomadic lifestyle did Aborigines live before the 18th century?
Hunter Gatherer
What country colonized Australia?
England (Great Britain, United Kingdom)
What does Australia specialize in?
Bauxite, coal, iron-ore, crops such as wheat