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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What number motorbike does Marc Marquez ride?
What nationality is Formula 1 driver Valtteri Bottas?
How many holes are there on a golf course?
Which basketball team play in Los Angeles?
The Los Angeles Lakers
How many rings in the Olympic logo?
Name all four clubs Cristiano Ronaldo has played for
Sporting, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus
What nationality is Roger Federer?
Name 4 sports you do on water.
Surfing, kayaking, sailing, rowing, yachting, swimming, diving,
Who are the current cricket world champions?
They wear blue shorts, ___.
The girls _____ play badminton.
For PE, the pupils play football ____ basketball.
Why do sports people have to eat dairy?
Because they need strong bones
Why do sports people have to eat pasta?
Because they need energy
Why do athletes have to eat meat?
Because they need big muscles
Which of these sports is the odd one out?: football, basketball, tennis, badminton
Badminton - it's the only one that doesn't need a ball
Name five things you need when you go swimming
Swimming cap, swimming costume, flip-flops, towel, goggles
How many players are there on a baseball team?
You get one of these if you win a competition
A medal