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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'Do your Maths homework' Dad said to Pete.
Dad told Pete to do his Maths homework.
'Which folder does this file go in?' he asked Mary.
He asked Mary which folder the file went in.
'Turn down the music' Chris said to Ann.
Chris told Ann to turn down the music.
'Have you bought the latest laptop from PC Empire?' she asked him.
She asked him if he had bought the latest laptop from PC Empire.
'Where is the on/off button on the tablet?' Lucy asked me.
Lucy asked me where the on/off button on the tablet was.
'Eat your breakfast' Mum said to me.
Mum told me to eat my breakfast.
'Please turn off all electronic devices' she said to us.
She told us to turn off all electronic devices.
'Did you have interactive whiteboards at your old school?' he asked me.
He asked me if I had interactive whiteboards at my old school.
'Don't be late!' Tony said to me.
Tony told me not to be late.
'Where are you from' Jim asked Chris.
Jim asked Chris where he was from.
'Turn down the TV!' Mum said to us.
Mum told us to turn down the TV.
'Leave the building!' the firefighter ordered.
The firefighter ordered us to leave the building.
'Have you seen my wallet?' he asked us.
He asked us if we had seen his wallet.
'Who is your favourite singer?' Paul asked me.
Paul asked me who my favourite singer was.
Dad asked, 'Can you walk the dog, please?'
Dad asked me if I could walk the dog.
'What time is it?' I asked him.
I asked him what time it was.