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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ (Oletko) you coming to the beach?
Are you coming to the beach?
It ___ (ei ole) that hard.
It isn't that hard.
You ____ (et ole) alone.
You are not alone.
I ____ (en ole) a robot.
I'm not a robot.
__ (Oletko) you hungry?
Are you hungry?
__ (Onko) this the real life?
Is this the real life?
___ (Onko) English fun?
Is English fun?
I ____ (en ole) very big.
I'm not very big.
It _____ (ei ole) too cold.
It is not too cold.
__ (Olenko) I late?
Am I late?
__ (Oletko) you okay?
Are you okay?
Hazel __ (on) in London.
Hazel is in London.
She __ (on) very nice.
She is very nice.
He __ (on) 10 years old.
He is 10 years old.
Spot __ (on) a dog.
Spot is a dog.
You __ (olet) my friend.
You are my friend.
I __ (olen) from Finland.
I am from Finland.