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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The other day, I saw ... adding training wheels to a broom. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... trying to bury a guitar in the middle of your mum's flower garden. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... dying his/her pet's fur. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... drilling holes into his/her bedroom floor. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... having a very heated conversation with a streetlamp post. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... putting the remote in the freezer, under a bag of frozen broccoli. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... knocking someone off their bike and then walking away like nothing had happened. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... scowling at someone on the bus in an intimidating manner. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... chasing a squirrel around the park. Why?!
The other day, I saw ... stopping people on the street asking them to listen to a knock-knock joke. Why?!
The other day, I saw ...gently but steadily banging his/her head against the wall. Why?!
The other day, I saw ...making a very rude gesture to a white-haired old lady in the park. Why?!
The other day, I saw ...painstakingly dragging a heavy bag that looked suspiciously like a body. Why?!
The other day, I saw ...pouring ink into the teacher's coffee mug Why?!
The other day, I saw ...running down a steep hill, holding a long red string. Why?!
The other day, I saw ....starfished on the kitchen floor, covered in mud. Why?!
The other day, I saw ....stealthily putting blank pieces of paper into his/her bag. Why?!
The other day, I saw ....strolling down the street in Hello Kitty pajamas. Why?!
The other day, I saw .... collecting money from his/her teachers. Why?!
The other day, I saw .... slowly and meticulously ripping pages out of a Chinese dictionary. Why?!