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Present Simple, Present Continuous, be going to, ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She (nie zamierza zaprosić) Tom to the party.
isn't going to invite
We (zamierzamy przeprowadzić się) to the suburbs.
are going to move
(Czy ona zamierza) go to the party?
Is she going to
There are dark clouds in the sky. It (będzie padać).
is going to rain
What (zamierzasz) do about it?
are you going to
Sorry, (nie pomogÄ™ im) this time.
I won't help them
The students (prawdopodobnie wezmą udział) in the contest.
will probably take part
I hope (że ona zrobi) the photos herself.
she will take
(Być może oni przyjdą) in a moment.
Perhaps they will come
Life (będzie lepsze) in twenty years' time.
will be better
(Czy jego rodzice pracujÄ…) at the moment?
Are his parents working
My brother (zawsze pożycza) my CDs without asking! It's so annoying.
is always borrowing
(Idziemy) to the cinema tomorrow.
We are going
We should hurry because (robi się późno).
it is getting late
Look! Kate (ma na sobie) a funny hat.
is wearing
Do you (lubisz wstawać wcześnie)?
like getting up early
My sister (zazwyczaj odrabia) her homework straight after school.
usually does
(Czy ona słucha) music in her free time?
Does she listen to
What time (odjeżdża pociąg)?
does the train leave
My friend (gra na pianinie) really well.
plays the piano