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Comparatives & superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Test C is _____ one.
the hardest / the most difficult
Which vegetable is the heaviest?
The pumpkin is the heaviest.
Which dress is the least beautiful?
The purple dress is the least beautiful.
Which animal is the most colourful?
The parrot is the most colourful.
Which item is less expensive than the robot?
The chewing gum is less expensive than the robot.
Which item is the most expensive?
The spaceship bed is the most expensive.
Compared to the iPhone, how's the cell phone?
It's less modern than the iPhone.
The metal bed is _____ the wooden one.
smaller / less expensive / less colourful
The yellow heels / than / . / less / the black ones / comfortable / are /
The yellow heels are less comfortable than the black ones.
Which one is softer, the rock or the teddy?
The teddy (is softer).
Hannah is _____ person here.
the tallest
Jessie is _____ Amy.
shorter than
_____ is taller than _____ .
Alex is taller than Bobby.
The girl in green T-shirt is _____ than the one in blue T-shirt.
prettier / more beautiful
Which bed is bigger, the wooden bed or the metal one?
The wooden bed (is bigger than the metal one).
The pink chair is [ a-r-e-i-h-v-e ] than the orange one.