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Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Burj Khalifa is the highest building..........
in the world
of the world
on the world
than the world
Who dresses.......... in your class?
the most stylishly
more stylish than
the more stylisher
He doesn't dance .......... his brother
as well as
as good as
as well than
as good than
We don't earn .......... Donald Trump
as much as
as much than
as many as
as many than
You walk .......... I do
more quickly than
quicklier than
quickly than
the quickliest than
She drives.............. you
faster than
fastest than
more fast than
fast than
The train isn't as cheap...........
as the bus
more than the bus
the bus is
than the bus
Her trainers are the same ..........
as mine
as I
as me
as my
He's richer and sillier than...........
I have
She's busier than...
I am
I have
I do
The new car isn't as........... the blue one
comfortable as
comfortable than
more comfortable
The new teacher is as ............. as the last one
nice than
The Math test was .......... difficult than the last one
the more
the least
Dark chocolate is .......... for you than milk chocolate
more good
the best
Barcelona is.............. Zamora
more expensive than
the most expensive
the more expensive than
most expensive than
Their son is........... them
taller than
the tallest
the most tall
more taller
This is........... building in the town
the oldest
the older
the most old
the more old