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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he wearing?
He's wearing headphones.
Nie używam teraz myszki.
I'm not using a mouse now.
Czy oni jedzą teraz obiad w stołówce?
Are they eating lunch/ dinner in the canteen?
Czy czekacie na koniec lekcji?
Are you waiting for the end of the lesson now?
Jestem bardzo stremowany.
I am feeling very nervous now.
What is Harry Potter doing?
He is dancing.
Luke Skywalker walczy.
Luke Skywalker is fighting.
Koty teraz śpią.
The cats are sleeping now.
OglÄ…damy teraz telewizjÄ™.
We are watching TV now.
Ona nie gra na skrzypcach, ona gra na wiolonczeli.
She isn't playing the violin, she is playing the cello.
Czy one słuchają muzyki?
Are they listening to music?
On pije teraz colÄ™.
He is drinking cola now.
What is she wearing?
She is wearing a hoodie.
Moi przyjaciele uczÄ… siÄ™ teraz przyrody.
My friends are studying Science now.
Jem teraz śniadanie.
I am having breakfast now/ I am eating breakfast now.
Czekamy na przerwÄ™.
We are waiting for the break.
Czekamy na koniec lekcji.
We are waiting for the end of the lesson.
Nie tańczymy teraz.
We aren't dancing.
What is he doing?
The boy is rocking on the chair.
Czy oni gotujÄ… obiad?
Are they making (cooking) dinner?
What is she doing?
She is playing the drums.
What is the boy doing?
He is playing the violin.
Oni grają w koszykówkę.
They are playing basketball.