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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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3 things about skateboard
has wheels, stand on it, take you places, can do tricks on it
3 things about SUMMER
1. hot weather 2. june, july, august 3. activities like swimming or beach
3 important things about "EAGLE"
1. type of bird 2. has feathers 3. has a beak/wings/claws
3 important things about TURTLE
1. has a shell, 2. is slow, 3. is a reptile 4. lays eggs
3 things about BALLOON
1. is filled with air 2. is shaped oval/round 3. seen at a party/celebration 4. can pop when squeezed
3 things about DAISY
1. is a type of flower, 2. has petals 3. grows
3 important things about "sun"
1. is hot 2. is in the sky 3. is made of gas
3 things about rabbit
1. it hops/jumps, 2. is soft/fluffy 3. pet/animal
Tell three things about a pencil
1. made of wood 2. has an eraser 3. write with it 4. sharpen it
long neck, spotted, eats leaves, wild animal
salty, snack, comes in a bag, made from corn
3 important things about gum
sticky, chewy, make bubbles with it
3 salient features/ attributes of ice cream
cold, it melts, different flavors, sweet, dessert