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Book 1 (1st half) Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you wearing now?
free answer
What is your surname? Spell your surname.
free answer
D is the fifth letter of the alphabet. True or false?
Put in the negative: They are closing the door now.
They aren't closing the door now.
Friday is before Saturday. True or false?
Put in the negative: She has green eyes.
She doesn't have green eyes.
Put the words in the right order: her / he / pointing / is / at / .
He is pointing at her.
Put the words in the right order: writing / name / am / my / I /.
I am writing my name.
A rabbit has a long tail. True or false?
There are seven days in a week. True or false?
The teacher is lying on the floor now. True or false?
Today is Saturday. True or false?
Put the words in the right order: pet / doesn't / a / she / have / .
She doesn't have a pet.
Put the words in the right order: tail / a / has / a / long / horse / .
A horse has a long tail.
Put the words in the right order: pictures / aren't / wall / there / the / on / .
There aren't pictures on the wall.
Put the words in the right order: there / radio / in / is / a / room / your / ?
Is there a radio in your room?
Put the words in the right order: book / is / English / where / the / ?
Where is the English book?
Put the words in the right order: the / is / France / of / what / capital / ?
What is the capital of Frace?