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Advanced vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Wherever he performs , his ..................... fans follow him. A) Adored B) Devoted C) Loved D) entertained
The audience clapped enthusiastically when the famous actor ........ on the stage. A) Appeared B) Entered C) Showed D) Turned
I really admired the actor who ......... the part of Romeo. A) Staged B) Made C) Auditioned D) Played
It costs a fortune to maintain a ......... car. A) Classic B) Historic C) HIstorical D) Dated
Before you make a decision ou should ..... all the issues involved. A) Weigh through B) Weigh out C) Weigh up D) Weigh down
Weigh up
The newspaper story was basedon an interview which had been done off the ....... A) Script B) Record C) Key D) Tape
I expect it´ll be interesting to read my school ........ when I´m older. A)Reports B)Registers C) Histories D) Accounts
There are many....... of information you can investigate to find out about your family history. A) Resources B) Bases C) Origins D) Sources
I wanted to talk but she was determined to sweep the matter under the ............. . A) Cupboard B) Table C) Carpet D) Bed
I´ve discovered that my ....... on my mother´s side were originally from Russia. A) Descendants B) Ancestors C) Children D) Associates
Pedestrians ........ in towns and cities make shopping a more relaxing,less dangerous experience. A) Spaces B) precincts C) Areas D) Regions
The Opera House is one of the main tourist .......... in Sydney. A) Appeals B) Charms C) Attractions D) Temptations.
My uncle and his family have just moved into a new house on the ..... of the city.  A) Suberbs B) Outskirts C) Borders D) Edges
One of the worst features of modern cities is the urban .......resulting from poor planning. A) Sprawl B) Spread C) Increase D) Growth g.
Egypt is a country for tourists.It´s absolutely .......... in history. A) soaked B) drenched C) steeped D) saturated