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In the park

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do in the park?
I can ride a bike, play badminton, play football...
What do you like doing in the park?
I like....
Where is the tree?
It's behind the bike.
What is there between the bench and the bike?
There is the dog.
Where is the cloud?
It is in the sky.
What is there on the table?
There is the basket on the table.
Where is the bike?
It's next to the dog.
Where is the burger?
It's under the table.
Where is the boy hiding?
He is hiding behind the tree.
Where are the ducks?
The ducks are in the water.
How many boys are sitting on the bench?
Three boys are sitting on the bench.
Who is climbing the tree?
A boy is climbing the tree.
What is Sam doing?
Sam is playing with Lad.
Who is playing badminton?
Two girls are playing badminton.
Who is riding a bike?
A girl is riding a bike.
Who is picking flowers?
A girl is picking flowers.
Where is the ball?
The ball is under the bench.
How many bushes are there? What colour are they?
There are five green bushes.
How many trees are there? What colour are they?
There are five trees. They are brown and green.
How many benches are there? What colour are they?
There are two brown benches.
What is there in the park?
There are trees, bushes, flowers, a drinking fountain, two benches and a small lake.
What can you see in the picture?
A park