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0, 1st & 2nd Conditional forms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My boss _____ (to fire) me if I _____ (to miss) work tomorrow.
will fire... miss
If I _____ (to have) my phone, I _____ (to be able to) whatsapp my friends. (2nd conditional)
had... would be able to
_____ Tom ______ (to mind) if I _____ (to take) his book for the weekend? (2nd conditional)
would... mind... took
I wish you _____ (be) here now. (2nd conditional)
If it rains, I _________ (to take) a taxi after classes. (1st conditional)
will take
What _____ you ____ (do) if you ______ (speak) English perfectly? (2nd conditional)
would... do ... spoke
If I _________ (be) the president, I _____ lower the taxes. (2nd conditional)
were... would
If I _______ (have) a million dollars, I ________ (buy) a house near the sea. (2nd conditional)
had... would buy
He __________ pass his exams, unless he __________ (study) hard. (1st conditional)
won't ... studies
If you _______ (heat) ice, it ________. (melt) (0 conditional)
heat ... melts
If I ___ (not need) the car myself, I ___ (let) you use it. (2nd conditional)
didn't need / would let
If he ___ (be) in Tokyo, he ___ (visit) us. (2nd conditional)
were / would visit
If my friend ___ (come) to our town next year I ___ (show) him the sights of the city. (1st conditional)
comes / will show
If you ___ (buy) tickets, we ___ (visit) Paris. (1st conditional)
buy / will visit
If I ___ (pass) my entrance exams I ___ (be) the happiest man in the world. (2nd conditional)
passed / would be
When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema. (1st conditional)
finish/will go
If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard. (1st conditional)
comes/will go