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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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______ (be) you with Tom last Saturday?
Katie ______ (watch ) a football match yesterday.
I ______ (want) to buy this bag but it ____ (be) too late.
I _____ (not/be) at home when the postman _____ (arrive)
wasn't / arrived
Where ____ you ____ (go) after the class last week?
Where _____ (be)you yesterday at 8?
They _____ (not/be ) at home yesterday when I ______ (visit) them.
weren't / visited
He ______ (not/be) happy when he ____ (not/find) his wallet.
wasn't / didn't find
I didn't _____ (want) to go home.
Did you ______ (call) her on Tuesday?
I ______ (not/finish ) my project last evening because I _____ (be) very tired.
didn't finish / was
____ Kit ____ (walk) to Rock Point?
Did / walk
I _____ (look) at the street but the girl ______ (not/be) there.
looked / wasn't
I _____ (not/play) tennis last week.
didn't play
We ________ (visit) a castle in Scotland last year.
When _____ he _____(go) to the cinema?
My little brother _____ (cry) when his toy ______ (not/work).
cried/ didn't work
I ________ (listen) to the radio yesterday but they _______ (not /play) my favourite song.
listened / didn't play
_____ you ______ (talk) to John last weekend?
Did you talk to John last weekend?
I ______ (not/save) her life.
didn't save
You ______ (save) me!
We ______ (not/talk) to Tom yesterday.
didn't talk
I _____ (pull) the girl out of the water.
When I ________ (arrive) at Rock Point, the girl ______ (be) there but she _______ (not/see) me.
arrived/ was/didn't see