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Math Word Problem Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sara has 45 buttons. She divides evenly among her 9 friends. How many buttons does each friend get?
5 buttons
Bob walked 2 miles. Jen walked 3 times as far as Bob. How far did Jen walk?
6 miles
Tammy has collected 25 stickers. She got 14 stickers from her teacher and the rest were from her aunt. How many stickers did she get from her aunt?
11 stickers
Brycen has a big spelling test coming up. He must learn 35 words. On Monday he learned 12 words. How many more words must he learn?
23 more words
Emma had 10 marbles. Her brother has 10 times what she has. How many marbles does Emma's brother have?
100 marbles
Yuri had a garage sale. He sold a toy for 25 cents. He sold a book for 55 cents. How much money did he make in all?
80 cents
One grape is 2 centimeters long. One watermelon is 21 grapes long. How many centimeters long is one watermelon?
42 centimeters
Holly can juggle the soccer ball 15 times. Her friend Lyndsey can juggle, too. Holly and Lyndsey juggle a total of 45 times. How many times did Lyndsey juggle the ball?
30 times
A football field is 100 yards long. Taylor can throw the ball 20 yards at a time. If she starts at one end, how many times would Taylor need to throw the ball before it reached the other end?
5 times
Zachary weighed 45 pounds last year. He grew over the summer. Now he weighs 57 pounds. How much weight has Zachary gained?
12 pounds
Ellie served 27 scoops of ice cream to her friends. 9 people are eating sundaes, and everyone has the same number of scoops. How many scoops does each person have?
3 scoops
It's track and field day. Chloe jumped 78 inches. Bob jumped 66 inches. How far did they jump in all?
144 inches
Cole's tree grows 4 inches each year. The tree is 40 inches tall. How old is the tree?
10 years old
Derek had 30 cups when his lemonade stand opened. At the end of the day he had 7 cups left. How many cups of lemonade did he sell?
23 cups of lemonade
Jared wanted to hand out lollipops for his birthday treat. There are 27 students in his class. Jared has 19 lollipops. How many more would he need to have enough for everyone?
8 more lollipops
Ridley rode her bike to her cousin's house. Her cousin lives 15 kilometers away. She rode 6 kilometers before taking a break. How much more did she ride after her break before arriving at the house?
9 Kilometers