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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ch 8: Who gave Percy a sign he was his father? Find the page in the book.
Ch 8: How did Percy heal his wounds?
A spell
A bandaid
Ch 8: Who's team won?
Ch 8: Where was Percy assigned?
Border patrol
the flag
Ch 8: Who won when Luke and Percy were dueling?
Ch 8: Who helped Percy train for capture the flag?
Ch 8: What pact did the "Big Three" make? Why?
To not have any more kids because they are too powerful.
To not fight anymore, Mt. Olympus needs peace.
To be more involved with their kids, they need daddies too.
To keep Camp Half-Blood safe, demi-gods are the future!
Ch 7: Hermes is the God of...
Ch 7: Where is Mount Olympus located?
on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building.
in Greece
on the 102nd floor of the Empire State Building.
in America.
Ch 7: What is the only way a monster can get in the camp?
If it is summoned.
If is knows the password.
If it can jump the fence.
If someone sneaks it in.
Ch 7: Who is Annabeth's mom?
Ch 6: What happened when Clarisse tried to shove Percy's head in the toilet.
The toilets shot water out & got everyone wet, except Percy
Annabeth stopped her.
Percy fought back & ended up shoving her head in the toilet.
Clarisse gave him a swirlie.
Ch 6: Clarisse dragged Percy...
to the bathroom.
to her cabin.
to the lake.
to Cabin 11.
Ch 6: Why does Percy get assigned to Cabin 11?
His father is undetermined.
He wanted to go to that one.
That's the only one with extra beds.
Mr. D told him to go there.
Ch 6: On what page does Percy start to describe the cabins?
Ch 5: Find the section about Mount Olympus.
Ok, I got it!
Still can't find it
I'm not even gonna try..
Ch 5: Who is the camp director?
Mr. D
Ch 5: What does Grover give Percy?
The Minotaur's horn
A high five
A hug
A "Camp Half-Blood Shirt"
Ch 4: The Bull-man vaporizes Sally
Ch 4:The bull-man continued to chase Percy, Grover, and Sally. Locate a quote about this scene.
Found the quote!
I can't find it.
Ch 4: Percy didn't want to leave his mom.
Ch 4: Sally tells Percy to..
Run as fast as he can past the tall pine, the camp boundary
To wait for her
Ch 4: What happens on the way to the camp?
They were being chased by a "bull man" & car struck by light
Grover died.
Percy and Grover get into a fight.
His mom changes her mind and takes them to a secret hideout.
Ch 4: Where does Grover take Percy and his mom?
Driving to safety at the summer camp.
To a hotel to stay the night.
Back to Yancy Academy.
To his house.
Ch 3: A Hurricane wakes Percy up out of his sleep and Grover knocks at the door with...
Goat legs
A hurricane survival kit
Percy's belongings
Donkey legs
Ch 3: Percy tells his mom about everything that happened at school with Mrs. Dodds.
Ch 3: Percy and his mom to some where special. Where is that?
Montauk Beach, where his mom and dad met.
To go see a Broadway show, like they always used to
To Central Park, where Percy's mom met his dad
A lake house, where they used to live
Ch 3: Percy loves Smelly Gabe.
Ch 3: Who greets Percy when he gets home?
His step dad, Smelly Gabe
His mom, Sally
His pet cat
No one is home
Ch. 3: Percy takes Grover home with him to meet his mom.
The string being cut by the old ladies represents death.
Ch 2: What do the three old ladies do that is strange and freaks Grover out?
They stared directly at Percy
Cut a string
Get attacked by a hawk
Ch 2: Percy confronts Grover about the conversation he overheard.
Ch 2: Who do Grover and Percy see on the way back to the city?
Three old ladies
Mr. Brunner
Mrs. Dodds
Percy's mom, Sally
Ch 2: Why did the whole school forget about Mrs. Dodds?
There was a mist sprinkled over the students and staff.
The lightning took their memory away.
Men in Black came and flashed them.
Mr. Brunner cast a spell on everyone
Ch 2: What were they discussing?
Percy being in danger and Mrs. Dodds
Summer Vacation
Final exam scores
Percy being expelled from Yancy
Ch 2: Who's conversation did Percy overhear?
Mr. Brunner and Grover's
The Headmaster and Mr. Brunner
Grover and Nancy Bobofit
Grover and the three old ladies
Ch 2: What was the only class exam Percy studied for?
Greek Mythology
Ch 2: What is in the letter that the headmaster sends home to Percy's mom?
He is not invited back next year.
He made Honor Roll this year.
He has been elected Student Council President
Unfortunately, Percy passed away on the field trip.
Ch 1: What happened when the students got back to Yancy Academy?
All the kids had forgotten about Mrs. Dodds,except for Percy
Percy and Grover got in a fight
Grover was expelled from Yancy Academy
Mrs. Dodds was fired from Yancy Academy
Ch 1: What teacher did Percy duel on his field trip?
Mrs. Dodds
Mr. Brunner
The tour guide
Nancy Bobofit
Ch 1: Where does Percy's class go on a field trip?
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Bronx Zoo
Greek and Roman Museum
Natural History Museum