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Australia Government Reading

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What does "the crown" refer to?
The monarch, or king or queen of Australia
**In which type of democracy does the legislative branch determine the executive branch?
Parliamentary Democracy
**In which type of democracy are the executive and legislative branches completely separate?
Presidential Democracy
**What is the difference between a presidential and parliamentary democracy?
Presidential people vote directly for the leader; Parliamentary the legislative selects the leader
**What type of government has the most political freedom for citizens?
**What type of government only has 1 leader?
List 2 freedoms that Australians have.
1. Religion 2. Speech 3. Choose their own jobs 4. Travel
What can happen to Australians if they do not vote?
Can be fined or may have to go to court
In Australia, voting is compulsory. Explain what that means.
You are required to vote unless you have a good reason not to such as an illness.
After an election what party does the prime minister come from?
The leader of the winning party in the House of Representatives
Who is the “Opposition” in Parliament?
The party with the second highest number of seats.
Define electorates.
Divided areas with about the same amount of people living in it with a person voted by the people to represent them in parliament.
What is an MP?
Member of Parliament
What are the two houses called in the Commonwealth Parliament?
House of Representatives and the Senate
List 1 duty of the monarch that the governor-general does in her place.
1. Sign laws 2. Serve as commander-in-chief of armed forces 3. Approve elections
True or False: The prime minister gets no say in recommending who the governor-general will be.
True or False: Australia has a constitution.
How is the governor-general chosen?
Appointed by the British Monarch
Who is the head of government in Australia?
The Prime Minister
Who is the head of state in Australia?
The British Monarch
The members of parliament choose the _____________ ____________________to be the head of government.
Prime Minister
The people of Australia elect __________________________.
Parliament's members
What type of democratic government does Australia have?
Parliamentary Democracy
What is the name of Australia's elected legislative body?
Commonwealth Parliament