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Animal Riddles

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a reptile. I can be a pet or a wild animal. I am green.
A lizard
I live in the ocean but I am not a fish. I love playing. I am very intelligent.
A dolphin
I am a farm animal. I look like a horse with long ears. hee-how.What am I?
A donkey
I am a wild animal. I am big and brown. I have big claws and sharp teeth. What am I?
A bear
I am small. I can be scary. I have 8 legs. What am I?
A spider
I am a bird. I can fly and I can swim. Donald and Daisy are from my family.What am I?
A duck.
I am a pet. I am man's best friend. I am very happy when I see you. What am I?
A dog
I am a farm animal. I am herbivore. I am white or black and I give wool. What am I?
A sheep
I am a farm animal. I have wings and feathers. I lay eggs. What am I?
A hen/ chicken
I am a farm animal. I am omnivore. I am pink. What am I?
A pig
I am a farm animal. I can be black and white or brown. I give you milk. What am I?
A cow
I am a farm animal. I am very fast. You can ride on me. What am I?
A horse
I am a wild animal. I am carnivore. I have big sharp teeth. I have orange fur with black stripes. What am I?
A tiger
I have a tail. I like to eat bananas. I can swing from trees. What am I?
A monkey
I am a wild animal. I am herbivore. I have brown and orange stops and a long neck. What am I?
A giraffe
I am a wild animal. I have big ears and a long trunk. I am gray. What am I?
An elephant
I am a wild animal. I am a carnivore. I have a mane.
A lion
I am a wild animal. I have a long tail and I can jump high. What am I?
A kangaroo
I am a bird. I can swim but I can't fly. I am black and white. What am I?
A penguin
I have 4 legs and a tail. I have whiskers. I am a pet. What am I?
A cat