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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"I am going to be the helper", said Manuel
Manuel said he was going to be the helper.
"We love our English teacher. She is great!", said the class.
The class said they loved their English teacher. They said she was great.
"I am always drawing because I am very good at it", said Guille
Guille said he was always drawing because he was very good at it.
"I am studying to be the President of Spain", said Iván
Iván said he was studying to be the president of Spain
"I love playing sports!, said Patri
Patri said she loved playing sports.
"We are writing very good essays", said Lola and Carmen
Lola and Carmen said they were writing very good essays
"I feel really happy when I can go to class", said Vicent
Vicent said he felt really happy when he can go to class.
"We have a lot of fun in English Connection Academy. It is our favourite place!", the class said.
The class said they had a lot of fun in English Connection Academy. They said it was their favourite place.
"I know the answer!", said Carmen
Carmen said she knew the answer
"I am helping Guille with his homework", said Manuel.
Manuel said he was helping Guille with his homework
"We have a ten on the exam. We are so happy!", Carlos and Iván said.
Carlos and Iván said they had a ten on the exam. Carlos and Iván said they were so happy.
"I want to be an artist when I grow up", Darío said
Darío said he wanted to be an artist when he grew up.
"I am studying a lot for the Academy", said Ginés
Ginés said he was studying a lot for the Academy
"I am worried about the exam!" Patri said.
Patri said she was worried about the exam
Guille said: "I like mountain biking"
Guille said he liked mountain biking
"I'm doing a project about food", said Lola.
Lola said she was doing a project about food