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Dr. Seuss

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one book that Dr. Seuss wrote.
The Cat in the Hat, The Foot Book, Red Fish Blue Fish, ________
What was Dr. Seuss' first name?
His first name was Ted.
My teacher uses markers to ________ on the white board.
My teacher uses markers to write on the white board.
Miss Julie likes to take _______ with her camera.
Miss Julie likes to take pictures with her camera.
This dog ________ a puppy before.
This dog was a puppy before.
The hamster likes to _______ pictures.
The hamster likes to draw pictures.
_______ we pack up we go to the bus.
After we pack up we go to the bus.
Let's ________ a Dr. Seuss book.
Let's read a Dr. Seuss book.
1 woman = 2 _________
1 woman = 2 women
1 picture = 2 _________
1 picture = 2 pictures
1 desk = 2 _______
1 desk = 2 desks
1 child = 2 __________
1 child = 2 children
Rhyme this word: game
name, same, tame, came, ________
Rhyme this word: hot
pot, slot, not, caught, fought, bought, rot, snot, plot, ______
Rhyme this word: bed
red, ted, sled, head, _________
What did Dr. Seuss like to do?
He liked to draw funny pictures.
What did Dr. Seuss' parents call him?
They called him Ted.
Which Dr. Seuss book was a big hit?
The Cat in the Hat was a big hit.