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Math 7 - Probability Test Review

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A bag contains 4 cherry, 8 orange, 6 strawberry and 10 lemon gummy bears. A gummy bear is chosen at random, eaten, then another is chosen. Find the probability of selecting a lemon, eating it, then selecting a cherry.
A website randomly generates a password after a new user registers. The password consists of 5 single digits by 1 letter. Find the number of passwords that can be generated if digits cannot repeat.
Each spinner below is spun once. Find the probability of spinning a number greater than 2, then a square.
A box contains 8 apple, 10 fruit punch, 10 grape, and 12 berry juice boxes. A juice box is chosen at random. Find the probability of selecting an apple or a grape juice box.
9/20 or 45%
The spinner below was spun 50 times. The results of each spin are shown in the table below. If you were to spin the spinner 300 times, how many times would you expect the spinner to land on yellow based on the experiment?
96 times
The spinner below was spun 50 times. The results of each spin are shown in the table below. What is the experimental probability of spinning red or purple?
6/25 or 24%
The spinner below was spun 50 times. The results of each spin are shown in the table below. What is the theoretical probability of spinning red or purple?
2/5 or 40%
Credit cards place a three ­digit security code on the back of cards. How many codes are possible?
The combinations for the lockers at your school consist of 3 numbers. Each number in the combination can be a number from 0 through 49. How many locker combinations are possible?
A website randomly generates a password after a new user registers. The password consists of 1 digit followed by 3 letters. How many passwords can be generated if letters cannot repeat?
What is the probability of randomly selecting a square that is shaded or odd? Express the probability as a simplifed fraction, decimal and percent.
3/4, 0.75, 75%
What is the probability of randomly selecting a square that is unshaded and odd? Express the probability as a simplifed fraction, decimal and percent.
3/20, 0.15, 15%
The spinner below is spun twice. Find P(both stars) as a simplified fraction.
The spinner below is spun twice. Find P(shaded, then heart) as a simplified fraction.
A bag contains 3 basketballs, 10 baseballs, 7 golf balls, and 5 footballs. A ball is chosen at random, not replaced, then another is chosen. Find P(a football, then a baseball) as a simplified fraction.
A bag contains 3 blue marbles, 10 green marbles, 4 yellow marbles, and 8 red marbles. A marble is chosen at random, not replaced, then another marble is chosen. Find P(both yellow) as a simplified fraction.
A bag contains 3 blue marbles, 10 green marbles, 4 yellow marbles, and 8 red marbles. A marble is chosen at random, not replaced, then another marble is chosen. Find P(red, then blue) as a simplfied fraction.
If the spinner below is spun, then a letter from the word BINGO is chosen at random, find P(at least 3, then a vowel) as a simplifed fraction.
If the spinner below is spun, then a letter from the word BINGO is chosen at random, find P(less than 7, then B) as a fraction in simplest form.
Find the total number of outcomes that are possible: Selecting a letter from the word TROPHY and a day from the month of May.
A card is chosen at random from a standard deck. Find P(queen or 5) as a fraction (in simplest form), decimal, and percent.
2/13, 0.15, 15%
A die was rolled 40 times. The results of each roll is given in the table below. Based on the experimenta; probability, if a die is rolled 120 times, how many times can someone expect to roll an even number?
78 times
A die was rolled 40 times. The results of each roll is given in the table below. Based on the theoretical probability, if a die is rolled 120 times, how many times can someone expect to roll an even number?
60 times
A die was rolled 40 times. The results of each roll is given in the table below. What is the experimental probability of roling a 2 or 3?
3/8 or 38%
A die was rolled 40 times. The results of each roll is given in the table below. What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 2 or 3?
1/3 or 33%
Arjun is studying abroad for a semester. He can choose the first semester or second semester, then choose France, Spain, Germany, Italy, or Japan. Find the total number of outcomes that are possible.
The probability that it will rain tomorrow is 11/15. What is the probability that it will not rain?
A pencil box contains 5 red, 12 blue, 10 green, and 3 yellow markers. If a marker is chosen at random, what is the probability that it is not yellow? Express the answer as a fraction in simplest form and a percent.
9/10, 90%
How many possible outcomes are there when spinning the spinner to the left three times?