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Flyers-Reading Part 1 Guessing Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We use this for the windows of cars and houses. You can see through it.
You can buy these from post offices and you put them on letters before you post them.
This is the time of the day which comes between morning and afternoon.
There are things that you give to people who you like.
This begins in January and ends in December.
A year
This is a book with spaces to write in for each day of the year.
A dairy
You write this on an envelope. Then the postman can take it to the correct house.
An address.
There are doctors and nurses in this place. You gop there if you are very ill.
A hospital
This comes from trees and make tables and chairs with it.
You can buy medicines, toothbrushes and combs from this shop.
a chemist's
Windows are made of this because you can see through it, but it is easy to break.
People usually write on these and send them to their friends and family when they are on holiday.
If someone is ill, this can take them quickly through the traffic to the hospital.
an ambulance
This usually smells nice and people use it when they wash their hands.
This yellow metal comes from rocks in the ground and it is very expensive and very beautiful.