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In which country does Christmas Day occur first: New Zealand or Canada?
New Zealand
Can you unscramble the following letters to reveal a word than means Christmas: ELNO?
Which country did the gingerbread house come from? a. Austria b. Switzerland c. Germany
c. Germany
Which president was the first to decorate the White House Christmas tree? a. Franklin Pierce b. George Washington c. Abraham Lincoln
a. Franklin Pierce (1850s)
Which of these names doesn't belong to one of Santa's reindeers? a. Comet b. Prancer c. Roger
c. Roger
What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made of? a. a carrot b. a potatoe c. a buttom
c. a buttom
"Home Alone " is a favourite Christmas movie for many families. When was this film released in cinemas? a. 1990 b. 1995 c.2000
a. 1990
Which European football league does not take a winter break apart from the UK?
After red and green, what are the most popular Christmas colours?
Silver and gold
Does Santa have a beard and a moustache or does he just have a beard?
Moustache and beard
There are 365 days in a year. What number is Christmas Day?
Is it true that there is an island called Christmas island?
Yes, it belongs to Australia
In which language is Father Christmas known as Père Noël?
What time is the Queen’s speech traditionally broadcast on Christmas Day? a. At 5 pm b. At 3 pm c. At 6 pm
b. at 3 pm
What is the name of the singing snowman in Frozen?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree? a. Norway b. France c. Germany
c. Germany
What words follow "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells" in the song?
Jingle all the way!
You give a kiss to a person under the... a. mistletoe b. holly c. Christmas tree
a. mistletoe
Where does Santa live? a. in Lapland b. in Norway c. in the North Pole
a. in Lapland
What do children hang on the fireplace? a. angels b. Christmas balls c. stockings
c. stockings
What colour is the grinch?
What Christmas item was invented in 1847? a. baubles b. Christmas crackets c. Christmas cards
b. Christmas crackets
What was traditionally put into the Christmas pudding in the UK to bring good luck? a. a coin b. a ring c. a bell
a. a coin
Who helps Santa to make toys? a. elves b. reindeers c. snowmen
a. elves
How many points does a snowflake have?
6 points
What meat do Americans usually eat for Christmas?
True or False, there is a town in America called Santa Claus.
True. Santa Clause, Indiana is a town in America.
Where do children decorate Christmas trees with paper decorations?
Where are the Christmas presents brought by a witch?
What's on top of the Christmas tree?
A star
When is Boxing Day?
26 December
What colour is holly?
Green and red
Who had the Christmas Number 1 with the song "Perfect" in 2017?
Ed Sheeran
Traditionally, kids leave out snacks for Santa Claus. What are these snacks?
Cookies and milk
Which company made the concept of Santa Clause popular worldwide?
Coca Cola
How many days do we have between Christmas and Epiphany?
Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?
How many reindeer drive Santa Clause sleigh (counting Rudolph)?
How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
How many ghosts are there in Christmas Carol?