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City life

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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GUESS THE WORD: a place where you can buy stamps and send letters and parcels
GUESS THE WORD: a very tall building
GUESS THE WORD: a long seat for two or more people, often made of wood
GUESS THE WORD: someone whose job is to give medical care to animals that are sick
GUESS THE WORD: a shop that prepares and sells medicines
GUESS THE WORD: a device with red, green, and yellow lights that controls the movement of traffic
GUESS THE WORD: a building used as offices by people working for a city government
GUESS THE WORD: a circular place where roads meet and where cars drive around until they arrive at the road that they want to turn into
GUESS THE WORD: All the cars, buses and taxis that are driving on the road.
GUESS THE WORD: They change energy from the sun into electricity.
GUESS THE WORD: They've got walls and a roof. People live or work in them.
GUESS THE WORD: Small pieces of rubbish on the street.
GUESS THE WORD: Small pieces of rubbish on the street.
GUESS THE WORD: Small pieces of rubbish on the street.
GUESS THE WORD: You put money into this when you leave your car in the street.
parking metre
Guess the word: Large groups of people in the same place.
Choose the correct option: There's one parking metre / recycling bin for glass and one for paper.
There's one recycling bin for glass and one for paper.
Choose the correct option: When you cycle, you should be careful of the buildings / traffic.
When you cycle, you should be careful of the traffic.
Choose the correct option: There are always crowds / pollution of people in the city centre.
There are always crowds of people in the city centre.
Choose the correct option: My ideal house doesn't use electricity because it has litter / solar panels.
My ideal house doesn't use electricity because it has solar panels.
Choose the correct option: Amsterdam's a great place to cycle because of the cycle lanes / adverts.
Amsterdam's a great place to cycle because of the cycle lanes.
Choose the correct option: If you like nature, you'll prefer a city with many satellite dishes / green spaces.
If you like nature, you'll prefer a city with many green spaces.