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People can do this with houses, tree forts, snowmen, castles, and legos. People put things together to make something.
Most people do this at night. Babies do it a lot. You probably use a pillow.
You do this in your sleep. You have a little story in your head. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are scary.
You do this with your hand. You can do this to a drum, to a baseball, to a tennis ball, but don't do it to your brother.
You use your hand to do this. You might make your cat purr if you do this. You can do this to a dog, cat, or horse, but don't do it to a tiger!
You do this with your feet. Your feet go around and around. You do this to go fast, and if you stop moving your feet, you stop. You do this on a bicycle.
You do this to a door or a jewelry box or a locker or a car. You do this if you want no one else to go in there. You might need a key!
You go up and down, back and forth. Someone might push you. You do it for fun. You might do it under a tree or on a playground. You can pump your legs.
You might do this for fun. You sit down and go down, but first you need to climb up. You can do it on the playground.
You do this all day long. You have to do this to live. Animals do it too. You use your lungs. Air goes in and air goes out.
You might do this in a game. You can go in a closet, under a bed, in a box, behind a curtain, or under the stairs. Someone might find you!
You use your hands to do this. You need to do it to a milk carton before you drink. You do it to a refrigerator, a drawer, a closet, a door, and a present.
You should do this at school. You do this when music is on, someone is talking, or you are watching a show. You use your ears.
You could use a ball or a stick or a frisbee or a snowball.  You use your hand and arm. You can make it go close or far. Be careful not to break anything!
You do this every day. You need some liquid. You might use a cup or a straw or a carton. You swallow something down when you are thirsty.
People and some animals do this. People do it on a hill, mountain, tree, or ladder. You use your hands and feet to go up.
You move your whole body. You might have a partner. You will probably want some music on!
You need a tool with a long handle. You usually do this in Fall. You can make a big pile. You move leaves from one place to another.
You tip a liquid out slowly.  You move something to another container. You might do this for juice or milk or coffee.
You can use a spoon, whisk, beaters, spatula or fork. You make it go around and around in a pan or bowl. 
You should use all your fingers, but some people just use two. You send messages, do homework, and write stories this way. You need a keyboard.
You use at least one hand. Sometimes you use a glove on your hand. You end up with a ball, snowball, frisbee, or some other object in your hand. Someone usually throws it to you.
You might use paper or a sidewalk or a wall or a whiteboard. You might use chalk or markers or paint or pencils. You can send a message.
Adults do this in a car, boat, motorcycle, or truck using a steering wheel or handlebars. They need to follow rules and be safe.  
People do this in the kitchen. They use ingredients. They might mix and stir and use the oven or stove.
You move both feet at the same time. When you go up, you will come down. You sometimes land in water. You can do it on a trampoline.
You need to kick your legs and move your arms. You sometimes hold your breath. You do this in the water.
You can do this in sand, in dirt, or in snow. Dogs do it for a bone. You can do it with a shovel.