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Christmas Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ho Ho Ho...
Merry Christmas!
Silent night...
holy night...
Jingle bells, jingle bells...
jingle all the way.
Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse...
open sleigh.
All I want for Christmas...
is you.
Last Christmas, I gave you...
...my heart.
People give them to their friends and family at Christmas time.
They are presents/gifts.
A figure made of snow.
It's a snowman.
It’s a small person who helps Santa.
It's an elf.
It’s a kind of sweet that is shaped like the stick that helps people when walking.
It's a candy cane.
When people stand under this plant they have to kiss each other.
It's a mistletoe.
It’s another name for a small speck of snow.
It's a snowflake.
It makes a loud noise when you ring it.
It's a (jingle) bell.
It’s green, and Christmas presents are usually under it.
It's a Christmas tree.
What do we call the special songs people often sing at Christmas?
We call them carols.
What do people sometimes hang up for Father Christmas to put presents in?
They hang up stockings.
What is the name of the animal with the ‘very shiny nose’?
His name is Rudolph.
What animals pull Father Christmas’ sleigh?
Reindeer pull the sleigh.
Who comes down the chimney to deliver presents on Christmas Eve?
Santa Claus comes down the chimney.
What do people often put on the top of their Christmas tree?
They put on a star.
What is the day after Christmas Day called?
It is Boxing Day.
What is the day before Christmas Day called?
It is Christmas Eve.
What season is Christmas in?
Christmas is in winter.
What month is Christmas in?
Christmas is in December.