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IT IS (A) primary education THAT (B) establishes foundations in science, geography, history, OR (C) other social SCIENCES (D) for young students.
While Tom is traveling around the world, he often______enough local languages to get by. A. gets in B. puts up C. takes off D. picks up
D. picks up
Judo players are______to their opponents and bow to each other before and after a contest. A. respectfully B. respectful C. respectable D. respect
B. respectful
The teacher said that I would be able to speak English fluently______six months. A. since B. in C. till D. by
B. in
The book would have been perfect______ending. A. hadn't it been for B. had it not been for C. it hadn't been for D. it had not been for
B. had it not been for
I hope you will______notice of what I am going to tell you. A. take B. get C. gain D. keep
A. take
More than ten victims______missing in the storm last week. A. are reported to have been B. are reporting to be C. are reporting to have been D. are reported to be
A. are reported to have been
Tom_______things round the house, which is annoying. A. always leaves B. is leaving C. has always left D. is always leaving
D. is always leaving
Only three of the students in my class are girls;________ are all boys. A. the others B. others C. other students D. the other
A. the others
Applications_______in after 30 April will not be considered. A. send B. that is sent C. sent D. which sent
C. sent
Manufacturers MAY USE (A) food additives FOR PRESERVING (B), to color, to flavor, or to FORTIFY (C) FOODS (D).
APPROXIMATELY (A) 80 percent OF (B) farm income in Utah IT IS DERIVED (C) from livestock and LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS (D).
______ high school, Nam attended a university in the city centre. A. Having finished B. To have finished C. Having been finished D. To finish
A. Having finished
It is very difficult to _______ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. A. exchange B. transfer C. convert D. convey
D. convey
Irene: "Do you fancy going to a movie this evening?" - Frank: " _____." A. I'm sorry. I don't know that. B. Not at all. Go ahead. C. Not so bad. And you? D. That would be nice.
D. That would be nice.
Maria: "It was very kind of you to help me out, John." – John: “_______.” A. You can say that again. B. I'm glad you like it. C. That was the least I could do. D. Thanks a million
C. That was the least I could do
A. EXcept B. EXcel C. EXcess D. EXhaust
A. houSES B. riSES C. horSES D. chooSES
C. horSES
We decided to pay for the car on the INSTALLMENT plan. A. credit card B. piece by piece C. monthly payment D. cash and carry ( CLOSEST in meaning)
C. monthly payment
Only AGGRESSIVE species of small animal life are likely to survive in the rough waters nears shallow coral reefs.( CLOSEST in meaning) A. passive B. strong C. assertive D. marine
B. strong