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Quantifiers B1-B2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There were so much people in the room, that I couldn't breathe!
INCORRECT There were so ...many... people in the room, that I couldn't breathe!
No money in the world can buy that
I haven't been to much countries, only 3 or 4 in Europe.
INCORRECT I haven't been to ...many... countries, only 3 or 4 in Europe.
This cake tastes bland. It's got very few sugar
INCORRECT This cake tastes bland. It's got very ...little... sugar
Don't you have any money to pay for your own tickets?
The people who live there have many money
INCORRECT The people who live there have ...a lot of... money
Most weekends I stay at home because it is very cold outside
We haven't revised many units, only 2 or 3
Most boys prefer football to basketball in this country
Please come into my office, there are a little things I want to discuss with you
INCORRECT Please come into my office, there are a ...few... things I want to discuss with you
All of people who have seen the movie say it is very good.
INCORRECT All of ...the... people who have seen the movie say it is very good.
We are incredibly busy at Christmas, we have to work every days.
INCORRECT. We are incredibly busy at Christmas, we have to work every day....
How much traffic will there be at 8? A lot of
I need a little help to finish this on time. Can you give me a hand?
I'm afraid I have few friends in this city.
There is not much work here in the summer.
Most of people who try to learn Chinese, give up after a few months
INCORRECT Most of ...the...people who try to learn Chinese, give up after a few months
She doesn't have much experience, but she learns very fast
When we got there, there wasn't much food left.
If we don't leave now, we'll have no time for shopping
Almost no students came to the meeting last night
We stayed up most the night
INCORRECT: We stayed up most ...of... the night
There are much people waiting in line
INCORRECT: There are ...a lot of... people waiting in line
Every students got a pass!
INCORRECT: Every ...student... got a pass
Stephen has no money to pay for the taxi