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Cicada Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do male cicadas get the female cicadas attention?
By buzzing and vibrating loudly.
By buzzing softly underground.
By dancing and doing Fortnite dances.
By silently creeping up and hugging them.
Is it safe for humans to eat cicadas?
Yes, and many people do!
Yes, but only if you cook them a very specific way!
Some are safe, but some are poisonous.
How many cicadas do scientists think will come out this spring / summer?
Six or Seven
What is the latest group of cicadas called?
Brood X (10)
Brood Fortnite
Brood XR
Brood PS5
Which is TRUE about cicadas?
Cicadas aren't really dangerous to humans.
They are often dangerous to humans.
Animals will die if they eat cicadas.
They come around every summer and are EVERYWHERE!
How do cicadas survive?
There are too many of them for predators to kill them all.
They mate and create super hunting cicadas.
They hunt large animals.
They eat bears, lions and tigers.
What is NOT something cicacas do when they emerge?
Hunt for insects
Make noise
Get eaten by predators
Where do cicacas live before they come out in the spring / summer?
Is it safe for animals to eat cicadas?
True or False: Only male cicadas ("boys") make noise.