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7th Grade Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the equation of this line:
y = 5x
The temperature was 9 degrees in the morning and decreased 12 degrees by midnight. What was the temperature at midnight?
-3 degrees
Pies are sold 4 for $23. How much does one pie cost?
What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3 centimeters?
28.27 square centimeters
Solve for n: 2n + 9 > 7
n > -1
A 20-foot high maple tree casts a shadow 8 feet long. At the same time of day, a pine tree casts a shadow 12 feet long. What is the height of pine tree?
30 feet
What is the mean of this set of numbers? 2,8,8,5,4,7,4,6,6,10
Simplify 6x + 7 - 5x + x
2x + 7
Solve 15n - 3 = 138.
Diyan rolls one number cube twice. The cube is labeled one through six. What is the probability that he will roll an even number first and then a 5 next?
Express 5/12 as a decimal.
0.416 (infinity)
Rachel received a 5% commission for selling a parcel of land. Her commission was $2,000. What was the selling price on the parcel of land?
Melanie has 1/3 yards of fabric and Tina has 3/8 yards of fabric. How much fabric do they have IN ALL?
17/24 yards
Dave wants to buy a skateboard that is on sale. The original price of $72 has been discounted by 20%. What is the sale price of the skateboard?
Line AB has a diameter of circle. If AB measures 6 centimeters, what is the circumference of the circle rounded to the nearest hundredth?
18.85 centimeters
A local dress shop receives a shipment of dresses. The owner pays $45 per dress. He decides to sell each dress at a 20% increase over the price he paid. How much will each dress be sold for?
Diana uses 2 eggs to make 3 slices of French toast. How many eggs will she need to make 12 slices of French toast?
8 eggs