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Adjective Order

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Ugly medium colorful cotton T-shirt.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Broken large old thick tube TV set.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Tasty round Japanese food.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Awesome large new round table.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: New round Australian gold coin.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Expensive brand new red Italian car.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Ugly old brown Brazilian car.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Weird triangular salt water fish.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Nice small round wooden house.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Delicious large square pizza.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Beautiful new black dress.
Describe the image using at least 3 adjectives in the correct order.
Example: Abandoned old white wooden church.