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Phrasal Verbs (1)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A stranger ....... ...... .... me and asked for help.
came up to
I knocked the door ans somebody said: " ........ ....!"
come in
I didn't want to ........ .... my test because I knew it had many mistakes.
hand in
I love .......... ..... with my friends, We always have a great time!
hanging out
My mother always ..... me ... from the British.
picks me up
As soon as I had finished my homework, I ...... .... my computer and left the room.
turned off
I never ....... ..... old clothes, I always donate them. I like helping others!
throw away
I hate ...... .... my room!! I wish Marie Kondo would help me.
tidying up
My mother asked me to ...... ..... all the plates by color. What a boring task!
sort out
When they had finished painting the house, they had to ..... ..... all the brushes and paint.
put away
I thought the microwave wasn't working but I had forgotten to ..... it .....
turn it on
My brother has to ...... .... every Friday because I cook.
wash up
I waited for 2 hours at the park but he didn't ...... ....
turn up
My sister Sandra always ..... ..... on Sundays. We drink mates and listen to music.
comes round
We should ..... ..... now or we'll arrive very late.
set off
I knocked the door three times but she never answered. She must .... ....
be out
The new episode of "Black Mirror" will ... .... at 7pm.
be on
When the movie ..... ....., we went to the bar to drink a beer.
was over
Tom ..... ...... .... phone Mary when he saw her at the door.
was about to
The teacher ..... .... the tests as soon as she arrived to the classroom.
gave out
I arrived late to the party because I was ...... .... my phone. I couldn't find it anywhere!
looking for
She saw huge snake and ...... ...... as fast as she could.
ran away
Mark couldn't go to the football match because he had to ...... ..... his little brother.
look after
The teacher told the kids to -------- --- her as she was giving instructions.
listen to